Saturday, March 16, 2019

New Job

Long before I ever made my way west, I was a devotee of cannabis. I suffer from chronic pain, and the relief that cannabis brings me is miraculous. It is better than any opioid I have ever taken. With my health history, I've taken many high strength pain relievers. Cannabis is different.

The cannabis industry is in its infancy. Not for long, though. Since it's been legalized for medical use in 33 states, and for recreational use in 10 states, the use of cannabis has become mainstream. I have wanted to experience what it was like during the gold rush. This business is a great place to start. My dream is to become a cannabis consultant to all the boomers trying it for the first time. 

The pot business is very similar to the wine business. both are plants, the same vocabulary is used to describe the quality; they're both social, best enjoyed with good people; great histories; 

Because of my passion for, as well as my desire to learn more about cannabis, I am so thrilled I've gotten a job in a dispensary. Actually, it's my dispensary, they were hiring, and I applied. I start on Tuesday. VHHC is located in a few different locations, and it's a union shop. Business is business. 

I'm really excited because I needed a job. To be able to work in an industry that interests me is thrilling. It will be nice to be around people, away from my living quarters. I am losing my social skills. 

The owner asked if I would be interested in doing inventory and I said I'd do just about anything to work where my favorite products are sold. He commented on my resume being very organized and said because of my teaching and strategic communications experience, he wants me to train people. It was vague and I was excited. 

And now I really will have writing material. 

It's the eve of Saint Patrick's Day, so that means dinner at the Slaydon's. Doug grills corned beef and it's unlike anything I have ever tasted. The beef is smoky, like tender beef jerky, and Ann makes a purple and white cabbage salad with the most amazing dressing, along with boiled potatoes. Tonight, Aunt Jean turned me on the horseradish on corned beef - to die for. 

The first year I had dinner at the Slaydons', I was too self-conscious to take more than one piece. Three years later, I probably ate seven pieces at dinner, and took fourteen pieces home. I didn't take home the wonderful wine they serve, but i did take home a shamrock plant. Last year, Ann and Doug gave out plants, and I kept mine alive for almost a whole year, until the rains came, about three weeks ago. 

My Aunt Jean told me about her trip to the dispensary in Vacaville this week. She went with a friend and purchased CBD ointment for her and Uncle Vince. They said they feel better already. I was concerned about telling her I was going to work in a dispensary. 

Because of the good wine and the amazing meal, I am pleasantly drowsy and hiccoughing my way to bed. 

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