Wednesday, August 28, 2019

End of the Adventure

All that glamour couldn't last, and it didn't. I was let go from the place a couple of weeks ago. It's a relief, what with the vermin and the lies.  I miss the people and having a place to go, but I don't miss the crazy, manipulative owner. When he was shot by someone who showed up at his house many years ago, no one who knew him was saddened, nor were they surprised.

It was an adventure, and as unpleasant as it got, especially after I found out that the owner lied about the union and benefits, I'm really glad I got the opportunity to get a glimpse into the retail side of cannabis.

 There were three people in the place who didn't get to be in the union, and, as an inventory person, I was one of them. Even though all the guy had to do was give me the title of processor and then I could be in the union.

Things were pretty catastrophic through July, especially as my hip and back pain got much worse because i was so stressed out that I wasn't going to have insurance through the union.

My supervisor, Ernest, quit a few weeks before i was let go. He texted his resignation with no notice. He was the institutional brain. He fixed the a/c, he did merchandising and stocking, he fixed the ATMs that were always breaking down. As inventory manager, he was supposed to take my reports and do something about the discrepancies, but he was so busy with everything else that he never looked at them. I did what i was supposed to do.

When they let me go, they said it was since Ernest wasn't there anymore, there was no one to read my reports. Until they hired a new inventory manager, they didn't need me. I cautioned them about letting the new system go, and they agreed. I also gave them a list of 15 things that I could do instead, and they said sorry, it's what [the owner] wants. He's breathtakingly cruel, just like someone else we all know.

I'm doing ok. I got a cortisone shot at the end of July, which is a mood lifter. So I am applying for jobs and trying to pass the CBEST math so I can substitute teach and make $205.00 a day.. The test is October 8. Fourth time's a charm. Excuse me, while i head to the local high school to get me an algebra tutor.

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End of the Adventure

All that glamour couldn't last, and it didn't. I was let go from the place a couple of weeks ago. It's a relief, what with the v...