Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Maintaining a blog is more difficult than it looks, at least for me. I keep forgetting to post. Make that, I keep forgetting to write. Sometimes I don't forget. I just don't write. Here is the rule of blogging. "First you write, than you post."  That's it. Today, I think I will actually follow the rule.

A writer friend of mine said often that good writing was a matter of hours of "butt in seat time." She thought that once your butt was in the seat, everything would flow out onto the paper. That has not been my experience. Hours of butt-in seat-time" does not guarantee product, thanks to all the distractions that keep me from writing that post.

Richard, Gregory, and I are still watching Game of Thrones. It is enthralling. We average three episodes in an evening. Tonight we will watch Season 4, episode 2. I am being very disciplined about not reading what happens on-line. Finding out in the moment is the thrill. Yesterday, I did sneak a peak and found out about the deaths of a few critical characters. Richard told me last night that it was the red wedding. I thought it would be redder., like the ending of "Carrie."

I fear that I am becoming immune to the violence, and then something happens in the story line to make me realize that I am still squeamish and shockable.

The watching ritual is comforting. I ring the bell; barking dogs swarm over me like they've never seen me before. Richard brings an ice bucket and a bottle of wine downstairs into what used to be the bedroom in which the twins grew up, and is now the screening room. Everyone settles into their favorite spot, including the dogs, and then we watch, mesmerized for at least three hours.  Last night, Gregory served refreshing pineapple popsicles during an especially bloody scene.

It's not just the blood that is so horrifying. It is the way people treat each other. The character development is amazing. Each actor fully occupies who they are playing. I have my favorites, but Kate said not to get too committed to anyone, because everyone has a short shelf life. That was good advice. I hope King Joffrey gets what is coming to him. He is the most vile character in the whole thing, and that is saying a lot. Also, I have to keep telling myself that it is only make believe. But it is excellent make believe.

All I can say is that I am glad that I didn't live in that time. I am a wimp. Things I could never go without:

- bathing;
- brushing my teeth;
- modern plumbing;
- electricity;
- my phone.

Watching GOT motivates me to get in the swim and shower every day. There is as much filth as there is blood, and I crave feeling clean. Also, I want to find out what happens. Not today, Death. Not today.

In other news, and there is so much other news, the Chinese woman who started the spas in south Florida where Robert Kraft had his fun on the morning of the Super Bowl, was not only watching the Super Bowl with the President, she is selling access to the President.

The people of Alabama were graced with the President's arrival a few days ago. Trump had the nerve to autograph bibles on the FRONT COVER.

There are a few reassurring things happening. The democrats are subpoening everybody. But it doesn't seem to be happening quickly enough.

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